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Keeping the New River Valley on the move.
What is the NRVMPO?
The New River Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (NRVMPO) is a transportation policymaking organization serving the Towns of Blacksburg and Christiansburg, the City of Radford, and parts of Montgomery and Pulaski counties. The MPO provides the information, tools, and public input necessary to improve the performance of the transportation system of the region. Visit the NRVMPO website to learn more.
The Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is the New River Valley’s fiscally constrained multimodal plan, which identifies major roadway, transit, non-motorized system improvements, and travel demand management projects. LRTPs are required by federal law and must be updated every five years to keep consistent with existing conditions, confirm proposed plans and projects, and validate performance measures. Transportation projects must be included in the constrained portion of the NRVMPO LRTP to be eligible for federal funding. Learn more about transportation projects in the previous 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan.
Share your ideas.
Your input shapes the future of transportation in the New River Valley. Take the public surveys below to contribute to the 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan.
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Keeping the New River Valley on the move.
What is the NRVMPO?
The New River Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (NRVMPO) is a transportation policymaking organization serving the Towns of Blacksburg and Christiansburg, the City of Radford, and parts of Montgomery and Pulaski counties. The MPO provides the information, tools, and public input necessary to improve the performance of the transportation system of the region. Visit the NRVMPO website to learn more.
The Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is the New River Valley’s fiscally constrained multimodal plan, which identifies major roadway, transit, non-motorized system improvements, and travel demand management projects. LRTPs are required by federal law and must be updated every five years to keep consistent with existing conditions, confirm proposed plans and projects, and validate performance measures. Transportation projects must be included in the constrained portion of the NRVMPO LRTP to be eligible for federal funding. Learn more about transportation projects in the previous 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan.
Share your ideas.
Your input shapes the future of transportation in the New River Valley. Take the public surveys below to contribute to the 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan.
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